We received a dozen great questions regarding the Open Enrollment Period (“OEP”). Here’s more clarity on what can and cannot be done during OEP:

– You cannot switch from Original Medicare to a MA/MAPD.
– You cannot switch from one Prescription Drug Plan (“PDP”) to another PDP.
– You cannot join a PDP if you are enrolled in Original Medicare only.

The Annual Enrollment Period (“AEP”) is when you can do just about anything, which is October 15th – December 7th every year. (Sorry.)

Don’t think you’re out of options if OEP is not helpful to you!

Don’t forget about the options a Special Election Period (“SEP”) offers:
+ If you receive medicaid or have Low Income Status (“LIS”) with the Social Security Administration (SSA), also known as “Extra Help,” you may change your plan the first three quarters of the year.
+ If you have recently moved or have lost group/employer coverage, you can change your plan. (We will be providing more on SEP’s via of this blog and links to our video tutorials in April.)
+ Always remember that turning 65 years old unlocks the key to the enrollment door as well (3 months before and after your birth month).
+ Core can help you unlock the doors to other SEP’s as well, so please don’t hesitate to contact us!

The best method to better understand Medicare and your options to is speak with a Core Licensed Health & Insurance Agent. The purpose of this post is to simply answer specific questions we received in the last 48 hours.

We hope this helps you!

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Very helpful. You do a good job clarifying and simplifying the weird complexities of Medicare rules. Thanks!
