This blog post is a short response to several questions Core Medicare is receiving in response to our recent insightful newsletters. (Please sign-up for our monthly newsletter, as we are really ramping things up in 2022.)
Responding to Kimberly in Columbine:
Here are the basics of why AEP is an important enrollment period (and do keep in mind that there are several important enrollment periods):
The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) happens every year, and is a time when you can make changes to your Medicare coverage without penalty. AEP runs from October 15th to December 7th every year. During AEP you can join, switch or drop a Medicare Advantage or Part D prescription drug plan.
It’s smart to review your plan with Core Medicare at least once a year, however, we recommend twice a year, or whenever a significant health or financial event occurs in your life. Your health, lifestyle and financial needs change, and so do Medicare plans, benefits and opportunities.
Our Core team is here to help you decide whether it’s best to keep your current coverage, or if it’s wise shop and compare other plans for the best match. Our team of license agents are genuinely passionate about providing you with helpful resources and all the important information you need to make an informed and wise decision.
Should you keep my current Medicare coverage?
The answer is, “Let’s talk and work together to find out immediately!”
My advice to everyone that has Medicare, and those who have both Medicare and Medicaid:
“Do not procrastinate!” Medicare, if utilized properly, is a tool that can be used to improve the quality of your life! Your physical, mental and spiritual well-being is important to us, and we enjoy surprising our clients with amazing benefits they didn’t know existed, and improving the quality of their lives via improving their health and increasing their benefits!
My Dad always said, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
Deciding to keep your current coverage or shop around for something new comes down to simply answering one question, “Which Medicare plan will maximize the benefits I want and save me the most money?”
A good place to get started is evaluating your current Medicare coverage with me or someone on our Core Team. To schedule a free personalized Medicare review, just email or call us now:
There’s nothing better than talking to a caring, licensed agent at Core Medicare. We are client-centered, and we genuienly care you. Contact us get help. You’ll be glad you did!
Here’s a little homework to help you evaluate how well you’re set-up now:
Could I be saving money and getting more benefits with a different plan?
If you have monthly a plan premium, does it fit inside your budget nicely?
Are you comfortable with your current plan’s deductibles, copays and coinsurance amounts?
Is your overall out-of-pocket health care costs in line with what you expect and what you are comfortable paying?
Does your plan have a yearly limit on what you may have to pay out-of-pocket.
Are you very happy with your current Medicare plan overall?
Would you truly recommend your plan to friends and family with confidence?
Do you know at least two other options and the benefits available to you, or are you indifferent about knowing more and possibly being happier? (Sounds crazy but some people actually like to spend more and get less. It’s crazy!)
Is your doctor and pharmacy easy get to?
Is it easy for you to order refills of prescription medications?
If you receive your prescription refills via mail, are they delivered reliably?
Is it easy for you to call and ask your health care provider questions and get help quickly?
Does your current plan provide online information and services that you can easily access, if you wanted to?
Are you comfortable with the amount and type of paperwork you need to do with regard to your medical bills and plan?
Do you wish you had more benefits, like dental, hearing, eyeglasses, and other benefits?
Does your plan cover all the health care services you need and use?
Are your doctors and other health care providers in your current plan’s network and accept your plan’s terms and coverage without jumping through extra hoops?
Are your specialist doctors accessible and covered by your plan?
Are ALL of your prescription medications on your plan’s formulary?
Is your current medicare plan adaptible and covering all your changing health care needs?